Celebrate the joy of slow, quiet, and tasteful living.
HÏSOM is a Japanese villa in a small village in rural Shimane, Japan surrounded by the sea and the mountains, and is a perfect getaway for people who want to spend time exploring the nature, local food and community. It is inspired by the Nordic-Finnish way of living, embracing the natural environment and spiritually fulfilling life.
Celebrate the joy of slow,
quiet, and tasteful living.
HÏSOM is a Japanese villa in a small village in rural Shimane, Japan surrounded by the sea and the mountains, and is a perfect getaway for people who want to spend time exploring the nature, local food and community. It is inspired by the Nordic-Finnish way of living, embracing the natural environment and spiritually fulfilling life.

Upcycling Renovation
Design Office Sukimono renovated an old Japanese house and turned it into HÏSOM, a well-equipped and modern guest house. Japanese people have a culture of respecting nature, and believe that there are gods in the forests and woods. That’s why we also respect natural materials.

Utopia for Explorers
Our owner, Masako Ohmi, originally from Gotsu, a neighbouring town of Hiso and Yunotsu, returned to Shimane from Tokyo with her husband and two daughters in 2013. That’s when she discovered and fell in love with the beautiful hidden village of Hiso, and decided to open a guest house…

Yunotsu Kilns
Yunotsu currently has three kilns close to each other. There are also two large climbing kilns, or noborigama. One of them is still active. Twice a year, this noborigama is used to bake special pottery. For noborigama, pine trees are used as pine rosin creates a high heat in the kiln.

Yunotsu Kilns
Yunotsu currently has three kilns close to each other. There are also two large climbing kilns, or noborigama. One of them is still active. Twice a year, this noborigama is used to bake special pottery. For noborigama, pine trees are used as pine rosin creates a high heat in the kiln.
588-1,I,Yunotsucho Yunotsu,Oda,Shimane,
Japan 699-2501
+81 50 1807 9277
info+hiso <a> watowa.club[aを@に変えてください]
電話 050 1807 9277